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New Service Cuts Time and Cost of CAE |
Raymond pointed out that the majority of companies are not taking advantage of leading-edge CAE tools because of the many obstacles involved in either developing in-house CAE capabilities or effectively using off the shelf commercial software. Most products are complicated enough to require several different CAE codes to fully predict their performance. For example, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software may be needed for fluid flow analysis, computational structural mechanics (CSM) software may be needed for structural analysis, multibody simulation software may be needed to predict operational loads and stresses, etc. Purchasing a license for just one of these packages might cost on the order of $25,000 per user. An even greater obstacle is the specialized training and experience required to produce accurate results. The conventional approach to developing analysis capability is hiring engineers with graduate degrees that have undergone extensive training and have years of experience in using and tuning the tools.
Enductive Solutions offers an approach that is far less expensive, quicker to implement and puts analysis tools in the hands of design engineers that can make better use of them because they fully understand the product. The company first gains an understanding of their customer’s design process and the key parameters that effect product performance. “We take that information and develop an analysis solution that is tailored to the needs of our customer so it can easily be used by design engineers and others to directly impact product performance and time-to-market,” Raymond said. “Our approach normally involves getting analysis engines to work together and can also eliminate the need for leasing software or purchasing costly hardware by utilizing a service bureau on a per-use basis potentially reducing analysis costs from thousands to hundreds of dollars . The end result is typically a customized software tool with a graphical user interface that ties together all of the design components, tools and specific CAE functionality needed to positively impact the design.”
Raymond provided an example of a solution the company developed for an aluminum extruder. Normally, between 15% and 30% of dies break, generating die replacement costs and even higher costs for downtime and productivity losses. The analysis solution provided by Enductive encapsulates several advanced CAE tools within an interface that prompts the designers to enter only a few critical parameters, then analyses the problem and provides the results in a format that makes it easy to determine whether or not the die will fail. The software minimizes die breakage, with projected savings of up to $500,000 per year.
For more information, contact Enductive Solutions, Inc., 245-M Mt. Herman Road #248, Scotts Valley, CA 95066-4035. Ph. 831.338.0404, Fx. 831.338.4181. E-mail: info@enductive.com. Web site: www.enductive.com
Enductive's "solutions service" provides customers with a customized software tool with a graphical user interface that ties together all of the design components, tools and specific CAE functionality needed to positively impact the design.
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