The results from the 2nd AIAA CFD Drag Prediction Workshop
held in Orlando, Florida June 21-22, 2003 are available.
The workshop had the goal of assessing the state of the art CFD for semi-complex aircraft geometries and consisted of two required and two optional cases using the DLR-F6 [pdf] civil transport geometry. The F6 geometry includes both a wing-body and a wing-body-nacelle configuration. The two required cases were a grid sensitivity study and calculation of the drag polar, both at Mach 0.75.
The optional investigations included tripped versus fully turbulent drag prediction and calculation of drag variation with Mach number.
The 2nd workshop drew 22 participants from the North America, Europe and Asia.
A number of different grid types and turbulence models were used
to calculate a total of 480 solutions using 1.25 years of CPU time.
Some conclusions [pdf] were that that data scatter was percieved to be less than in the 1st workshop, that medium sized grids (~5M points) are adequate, and that fully turbulent calculations are fine for predicting drag variation with speed.