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Fluent 6.1.22 Parallel Error!
Posted Tue June 08, 2004 @11:11AM
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Help Desk puli writes "Hi,

I'm trying out a case in a 2-node GNU/Linux cluster using Fluent 6.1.22.

The procedure I follow is:

1. File -> Run

Under Versions activate Double Precision, Parallel Under Communicator select Socket ('pnet' in command line)

2. Parallel -> Network -> Configure

Under Host Entry, I Enter the Hostname and Username for the second node. Now I click on add. It shows up in the Available Hosts list. I select the new Node and click on spawn."

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3. Define -> User Defined -> Functions -> Compiled

I follow the entire procedure outlined in the pdf file for the tutorial. So far, so good!

4. Solve -> Iterate

I get the error message concerning mpt_read.

Updating solution at time level N... done.
iter continuity u-water u-air v-water v-air k epsilon uds-0 uds-1 uds-2 uds-3 uds-4 uds-5 vf-air time/iter

999999 (mpsystem.c@1210): mpt_read: failed: errno = 104
999999: mpt_read: error: read failed trying to read 4 bytes: Connection reset by peer
EOF on stderr. The fluent process could not be started.


It is these last three lines that are rather confusing:

Such error messages are very difficult to interpret. Only developers can make sense out of it. From a wild guess, I would say this has something to do with the MPI, but I am not sure. What is your opinion?

Additionally, I am able to run the Fluent Parallel Tutorials and their cases from the Fluent website using this setup.

But as the same case runs in Serial very fine on my machine, I admit, I am quite confused.
Please advise.

Any help is appreciated!

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