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Fluent Announces Support for AMD Opteron Processors
Posted Mon November 29, 2004 @09:30AM
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News Fluent Inc., the world's leader in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software solutions, announced today its support for the 32- and 64-bit AMD OpteronTM processor in its upcoming release of FLUENT 6.2. AMD provided Fluent with technical assistance and early access to its new processor technologies, allowing for support of this technology within FLUENT 6.2.

Support for the latest generation processor and interconnect technologies has emerged as a critical requirement in order to maintain the required computational efficiency. As FLUENT customers continue to refine their simulations, by enhancing the fidelity of their CAD geometry models and invoking more advanced physical models, the computational requirements greatly increase. It then becomes necessary to employ large computational clusters to support rapid design analyses.

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The AMD OpteronTM architecture, with its faster and scalable main memory subsystem, and Hypertransport technology supporting new interconnects with large bandwidths and low latencies, has seen broad and rapid acceptance in the HPC community and offers leading performance for Fluent customers. Performance on the standard FLUENT benchmarks has shown that the upcoming 64-bit FLUENT 6.2 outperforms the current 32-bit FLUENT 6.1 by 20-40%. The native 64-bit port, using the GNU C compilers, leverages all the extra hardware resources including registers, and other special features of the microprocessor.

“As Fluent customers’ appetite for computational power continues to expand, we are seeing rapid growth in the delivery of AMD Opteron processor-based clusters. The pure performance of FLUENT 6.2 on AMD64 technology delivers power and value to HPC customers,” says Pat Patla, Director, Server/Workstation Business, AMD’s Microprocessor Business Unit, CPG. “Fluent is a recognized leader in CFD and we are delighted to be working together to ensure continued success for our customers.”

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