Designers, engineers and other technical personnel along with managers and executives from 30-plus countries and approximately 30 industries took advantage of the plethora of technical presentations, the World of Inspiration Expo, social networking activities, hands-on software demonstrations and roundtable panel discussions.
The conference showcased how global, innovative companies use engineering simulation to inspire their designs, resulting in improved products and processes. "The International ANSYS Conference opened my eyes to a whole new world of ANSYS tools and capabilities. You can count on seeing me back next year," said Gerin Goldensoph from Carleton Life Support Systems, a world leader in the application of air separation technology for aviation applications.
"It was great to share some knowledge with colleagues; maybe the answer to our problem was right next door. And it was a good opportunity to know lots of people with the same problem, solving it in different ways," said Luis Vidriales from Mabe, a major producer of appliances in Mexico.
"The ANSYS conference not only provides opportunities to strengthen your company's knowledge of ANSYS products, but also provides the user with knowledge they can apply directly to their problems," said Christopher Johnson from Emerson Process Management, a diversified global manufacturing company.
Other attendees found the conference "a motivating visit" and "a time to get inspired." Participants were particularly intrigued with the hands-on demonstration area, where they took advantage of the opportunity to try out the functionality in both current and future product releases. The general session featured keynote speakers from BMW Sauber F1 and Boeing - Phantom Works, organizations that are looking to move to the next level of engineering simulation as a mission-critical strategy. ANSYS presenters discussed the trends that are shrinking industry's margin for error and the possibilities inherent in Simulation Driven Product Development™. During the World of Inspiration Expo, attendees had a chance to "Meet the Founders," three pioneers who, in their own ways, helped to shape the industry. John Swanson, Zol Cendes and Ferit Boysan, founders of ANSYS, Ansoft and Fluent respectively, were on hand to reflect on the changes in engineering simulation during their careers.
"We designed the 2008 International ANSYS Conference to inspire those who are strategically focused on solving complex engineering simulation challenges at that next level," said Jim Cashman, president and CEO of ANSYS, Inc. "The success stories presented by attendees show how world-leading companies are using our technology to spark innovation and push the envelope of conventional product designs."
In late August, the 2008 International ANSYS Conference kicked off a series of regional and industry-specific conferences that will take place around the world this fall. In early September, the ANSYS Automotive Conference was held in Michigan; the Engineering Simulation Energy Conference will take place November 11 and 12 in Houston, Texas, to cover multiple sectors including oil and gas, renewable energy, and nuclear power. Regional user conferences are scheduled for China, Korea, Belgium, Turkey, Japan, Germany, France, U.K., Brazil, India, Russia and others countries. For a complete list of conferences, visit and select "user conferences."