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Ride the Digital Wave with CFD Simulation
Posted Thu June 17, 2021 @04:58PM
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News In the first episode of the Siemens Engineering Innovation podcast Stephen Ferguson is joined by surf enthusiast and sports CFD engineer Luca Oggiano, who is the co-founder and CEO of Nabla Flow. Together they discuss the impact that digital twins have on the surfing industry, and how we can use digital waves to test them.

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In ancient Hawaiian culture, the art of he’e nalu (or “wave sliding”) is endowed with almost religious significance, where frustrated surfers would call upon the kahuna (priest) to aid them with a surfing prayer which asked the Gods to deliver great surf.

At the heart of the culture is the almost spiritual act of “surfboard shaping” in which a skilled craftsman manually shaves a piece of wood (or more recently polyurethane) into a hydrodynamic planing surface, carefully adjusting its shape for specific wave conditions and surfer preferences.

Using this process, guided by surfer feedback, surfboard design has evolved over hundreds of years. In this podcast, we ask the question, “could a digital twin help to design better, more responsive surfboards with the help of CFD simulation?” And discuss how you can test a digital surfboard using a digital wave.

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