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Nika Fluid Solutions Awarded EFD.Lab Distribution
Posted Mon August 26, 2002 @01:27PM
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News Mike Harrison, President and CEO of Nika Fluid Solutions, today announced the company has been awarded exclusive distribution rights for the Americas and Asia Pacific of a new software package called EFD.Lab. This software, named for engineering fluid dynamics, shortens product development time in applications that use liquids, gases or heat transfer.

The new software, ideally suited to improve the design of fluid flow applications, such as intake manifolds and radiator or air compressor systems, also maximizes the efficiency of aircraft or automotive air-handling systems. It also uses advanced CAD modeling techniques to shorten the time required for product design and reduces the need for elaborate prototype testing, thus compressing the time required to bring new products to market.

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Harrison said the company now offers its customers a new installment purchase plan. This innovative and aggressive trial program allows customers to make an initial investment and then use the software for three months to develop their own in-house design project using EFD.Lab with a step-by-step customized tutorial and Nika technical support.

Harrison said, “We believe EFD.Lab is the easiest to use software currently on the market for applications that use liquids or gases. We are so convinced this new software will help our customers speed up the process of product development that we are offering them a special purchase plan.

“During the trial period. Nika will provide an analysis of the customer’s project based on the client’s computational fluid dynamics (CFD) specifications and provide a written report and the analysis files. At the end of the three-month trial, the customer can either return EFD.Lab with no further obligation or apply the initial investment to the full purchase price,” Harrison said.

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