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RCTASK to Distribute AxSTREAM Software in Brazil
Posted Tue September 11, 2007 @10:50PM
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News SoftInWay, a global leader in the development of flow path design software for axial and radial turbo-machinery, today announced that it has signed an agreement with RCTASK in Sertãozinho, Brazil to distribute the complete line of AxSTREAM™ of Multi-disciplinary Design and Optimization software to the turbo-machinery industry in Brazil.

AxSTREAM is a valuable design and analysis tool for many types of turbomachinery including steam and gas turbines, centrifugal compressors, turbochargers, industrial blowers and fans.

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“Brazilian manufacturers are looking for the best way to design, simulate and analyse mechanical components and equipment,” said Antonio Pedro Lourenço, Operations Manager of RCTASK. “Currently, most companies in Brazil are dedicated to find the best tools for engineering design applications and AxSTREAM fills this need with great opportunity,” pointed Lourenço.

“RCTASK is really driven by technology, combining valuable benefits to our customers, helping to consolidate and grow their markets, promoting and supporting high quality tools that provide a true technical advantage to our partners, with proven high performance solver technology”, concluded Lourenço “AxSTREAM fits perfectly into our mission to provide and serve our customers with the finest design tools available.”

“This partnership with RCTASK will allow us to significantly grow and better serve our established and new market segments in Brazil,” stated Dr. Leonid Moroz, President of SoftInWay. “We are very pleased to be represented by RCTASK who brings a strong knowledge base of engineering software and technical support capabilities to those turbomachinery manufacturers looking to provide better equipment solutions to their customers faster.”

RCTASK will also be distributing the axial and radial educational versions of AxSTREAM™ to the engineering colleges and universities in Brazil. These educational versions allow students to learn design theory while actually creating designs using “real world” industry platforms.

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