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Dr. Daniel Schikore Promoted to VP of Engineering at CEI
Posted Tue October 16, 2007 @12:48PM
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News Dr. Daniel Schikore, a senior developer at Computational Engineering International (CEI), has been promoted to Vice President of Engineering. Dan joined CEI, Inc., a leading provider of CAE pre- and post-processing tools, in 2000 and worked on high performance rendering techniques for the display of large-scale data as well as being the team leader for Apex – CEI’s visualization framework.

Prior to joining CEI, Inc., Dan received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Purdue University in 1997. Following graduation, Dan joined Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) where he participated in and led components of a research and development effort to advance LLNL’s ability to visualize the results of scientific simulations on high performance computers.

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His research at LLNL included activities related to parallel rendering, surface extraction, volume visualization, and multi-pipe display surfaces.

“I am excited to have the opportunity to work with our development team and customers to bring forward the next generation of CEI products,” said Dan. “We look forward to providing engineers and scientists with interactive analysis capabilities as well as automated, embedded solutions designed to fit their workflow.”

Dr. Daniel Schikore
CEI's Dr. Daniel Schikore promoted to Vice President of Engineering.

Dan’s new position includes setting the technical direction of the company; heading up product development for existing and new products; management of his development team members; and supervision of development contracts, services, and support.

Dr. Anders Grimsrud, CEI’s president said, “Since his hire, Dr. Schikore has proven his superb technical and leadership skills in virtually every area of the company. I am exceedingly confident that he will do a superb job as VP of Engineering and look forward to sharing the responsibility of company leadership with him."

About CEI
CEI ( offers a complete suite of engineering and scientific visualization tools, from meshing to plotting to animation, on all major operating systems. The company’s products can be run on everything from laptops to workstations, clusters and supercomputers, with animations displayed in stereo and in immersive VR. CEI has corporate headquarters in Apex, N.C., and authorized distributors around the world.

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