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CFD Review Jobs Database - Employer FAQ
The CFD Review Jobs Database is an online meeting place for employers and prospective employees. As an employer, you post your open position and people looking for work can view the opening and apply for the job directly through CFD Review.

When you come back to view your job posting, you will be informed of the number of applicants and be able to see the resume of each applicant. Furthermore, each applicant is rated for suitability based on the desired skills selected in the job posting. You can also elect to be notified by email of each new job applicant.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I post a job opening?
First you must log in to CFD Review, if you don't already have an account on CFD Review, you must create one. Once you are logged in, follow the "Post A Job" link to the job posting form. Fill in the form and press "Save Job" (you must preview the job first) to post your open position.

Q: Why do I have to log in to CFD Review to post a job?

This identifies you as the owner of the job posting and ensures that only you can make changes or delete the listing.

Q: What is the cost of posting a job opening?

There is a small one-time fee for posting each job opening. Currently, the fee is $50 US per listing. However, as a promotion during the launch of the jobs database, the job posting fee is waived until further notice.

Q: I've saved my job posting, why can't I see it in the database?

Job listings are cached and may take up to 15 minutes to appear on the site. Please check again once the system has had time to process your listing.

Q: How do I check for job applicants?

When you view your job posting on CFD Review, the number of applicants will be displayed in a link at the top of the listing as shown in the image below.
Select that link to view all applicants for your job. Selecting the name of each applicant opens the applicant's detailed page which includes their resume. Only you, the job author, can view the applicants for your job.

Q: Can I be notified when someone applies for my job opening?

You can elect to receive email notification of each new job applicant. Be sure to include a valid contact email address and select the check box for email notification on the job posting form.

Q: Can I allow my colleague to view an application for my job opening?

Normally, only the original job author can view job applications in order to protect applicant privacy. However, as the job author, you can provide a public link to the job application page which anyone can view. Just select the "Public Link" link at the top of the job application page to view the public version of the application. You can give the URL of the public page to your colleagues for viewing. Beware that anyone you share the public link with (and anyone they subsequently share it with) will permanently be able to view the application using the public URL.

Q: How can I modify my job posting after I have created it?

Before you can edit a job posting, you must log in correctly as the owner of the posting. Then go to the main jobs database page and click on the "View Your Job Postings" link to view a list of all job postings you have made. From there, select the link for the job posting you wish to modify. The job posting will then be displayed and, if you are logged in as the owner of the posting, an "Edit" link will appear at the top of the page. Select the "Edit" link to begin modifying the job posting.

Q: How can I remove my job posting from the jobs database?

Follow the steps for modifying a job posting given above to get to the job posting edit page. At the bottom of the page is a button to delete the job.

Q: How long will my job posting be displayed on CFD Review?

In an effort to keept the job postings fresh, postings which have not been updated in 6 months will be deleted from the system. To update your job posting (and thus keep it current), you must edit the posting and select update. Note that this does not require the actual text of the posting to change. Should your position be filled, please be courteous and delete your posting.

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