While the use of CFD continues to grow in large industry, smaller companies in particular are finding it hard to gain access
to powerful computers and expensive software. However, a new initiative plans to change that by offering affordable CFD to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
The CFD Outreach Initiative has been organised by the Institute of CFD, based at the Universities of Oxford and Reading, and the European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion (ERCOFTAC).
The initiative aims to put SMEs in touch with the most appropriate expert for their particular problem, and will give the companies access to the same expertise as their larger competitors - but without upfront fees.
Now the Outreach is hosting an Open Day
to discuss, present and offer advice on fluid dynamics, aimed at small and medium sized companies. The open day will concentrate on the commercial advantages of CFD for small companies by presenting case studies which illustrate how small businesses have derived real commercial benefit from the application of CFD.
The meeting, which is free to all participants, will be held
Monday 22nd March 2004 at the University of Reading
Black Horse House.
Book your free place early to avoid disappointment by contacting
Bette Byrne ICFD Secretary on 01865 273 883 or at bette@comlab.ox.ac.uk