We are looking for submissions of papers on all aspects of
automotive engineering that showcase the advances and
benefits of using CFD simulations, either on their own or in
combination with other methods. The programme will comprise
of submitted and invited papers.
All conference presenters will be rewarded with a personal
gift! In addition, there will be three Awards with significant prizes for:
- The Best Overall Automotive CFD Presentation
- The Best Automotive FLUENT CFD Animation
- The Best Use of a Supercomputer in an Automotive CFD Simulation
To participate in the Conference, please send us your paper title and a synopsis of up to 250 words. The paper should cover the following aspects:
- Description of the project
- Challenges posed and solutions adopted
- Validations used to verify the CFD approach
- Integration of CFD into your design process and business environment
- Any financial and technical benefits of using CFD in your company because of the project.
Please submit the Abstract to eacc-paper@fluent.de by 1st February 2005.
Please also visit the conference website to register now, get more details and read the latest news about the EACC 2005 conference – new content will be posted regularly up to the Event.
We look forward to meeting you in the Congress Center of