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Advanced Combustion Modeling with STAR-CD
Posted Mon August 27, 2007 @09:42AM
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News CD-adapco would like to invite you to a presentation on a new Advanced Combustion modeling capability with STAR-CD that uses two new novel transient flamlet model approaches for engine applications.

The presentation will be held at the Sheraton Detroit Novi, Michigan, from 9.00am to 12.00pm on August 28th.

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The presentation will be given by Professor Fabian Mauss, President of DigAnaRS LLC (Developers of DARS) who will describe in detail the models: TIF(Transient Interactive Flamelet model) and TFPV, (Transient Flamelet Progress Variable model). The presentation will cover the new complex chemical reaction system solver DARS, and how the TIF and TFPV models utilize DARS with STAR-CD to model the combustion processes and emissions in both diesel and gasoline engines.

Professor Mauss will also show the advantages of these models in simulating the combustion process in engines that use multiple injections or long injection durations.

In addition to the main topic, Professor Fabian Mauss will also give an introduction to DARS-Basic, a tool for simulating 0-D reactor and engine models with 1-D reaction fronts that can be applied to engineering problems for area such as catalytic reactions and soot emissions.

Spaces will be limited so if you are interested in attending please register as soon as possible.

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