Engine designers have traditionally used severely reduced fuel models in combustion simulations. These models can require complicated tuning or adjustment in order to provide predictive results.
Alternatively, advanced combustion simulation tools from Reaction Design can take advantage of larger and more accurate fuel models and still provide fast time-to-solution. The question many designers and corporations face when trying to improve their combustion simulation are...
- Where do I go for the most accurate fuel model for my application?
- How do I know the fuel model is optimized for my application and simulation goals?
- Can I blend different fuel component models to create a multi-component surrogate fuel model that more accurately represents my real fuels?
- How can I reduce an accurate fuel model for use in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)?
- How do I do all of this without being an expert in chemical kinetics?
Reaction Design's Model Fuels Consortium (MFC) assembled the most complete and accurate fuel mechanism library in the world. This exclusive invitation-only event is a sneak peek into the Model Fuel Library. The Model Fuel Library provides a self-consistent set of accurate real-fuel models that are easy to use in modern tools. The fuel component models can be blended to create surrogate fuels that match real fuel physical properties and chemical simulation goals using Reaction Workbench, an add-on to CHEMKIN-PRO. Reaction Workbench can then automatically reduce the mechanism to meet your accuracy goals for your application's conditions. Take advantage of the multi-million dollar investment made by the industry-led MFC and use the same fuel models in the Model Fuel Library as industry leaders.
In this seminar, we will demonstrate what accurate fuel models are available in the Model Fuel Library and how they provide superior accuracy in the predictions of ignition delay, flame speed, NOx, CO and soot. We will also show how these fuel models can be used to create multi-component surrogate models for use in kinetic tools such as CHEMKIN-PRO and ENERGICO, and in CFD codes, such as FORTÉ. A demonstration of CHEMKIN-PRO's Reaction Workbench software will be used to perform an automatic reduction of the fuel model for specific targets and operating conditions.