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Fluid Structure Interaction with Impact on Industrial Application
Posted Tue January 31, 2017 @08:14AM
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Announcements ERCOFTAC will host Fluid Structure Interaction with Impact on Industrial Application, II at the Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, France on 6-7 June 2017.

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The scope of this course and workshop is to bring together the academic and industrial scientific communities in Fluid Dynamics (FD) and Structural Mechanics (SM) on this topic, in order to address the state-of-the-art methods in theoretical, experimental and numerical approaches. The course contents involve fluid-structure interaction phenomena associated with critical dynamics around deformable and moving solid structures with emphasis on the design.

These aspects include rotation, fluid-structure coupling, vibrations, separation. A special attention will be paid in morphing of aero/hydro structures in order to increase the performances. A principal goal is to enable researchers in the FSI community with state-of-the-art methods for analysing these fluid-structure interaction phenomena and to come up with quality achievements and best practice guidelines for efficient and secure design.

The domains of applications cover a large spectrum including flow/ movement induced vibrations and flutter phenomena arising in the domains of aeronautics, hydrodynamics and energy.

The course will be composed of a set of Key Note Lectures. A large audience coming from the above academic and industrial communities is previewed, including also participants of the european programme SMS-Smart Morphing and Sensing

Open for registration:Dr Richard Seoud ramme_of_events_2017/fsi_2017/

Co-chaired by: Marianna Braza (CNRS-IMFT), Elisabeth Longatte (EDF) & Yannick Hoarau (ICUBE)

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