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Automated Solution of the Inverse Problem in Electronics Cooling
Posted Wed February 08, 2017 @05:58PM
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Announcements Siemens PLM will host Automated Solution of the Inverse Problem in Electronics Cooling on February 14th.

The majority of engineering simulations involve a known geometry, prescribed conditions and computation of the predicted results. However, the design question is often posed as the inverse: I have a desired result and need to know what conditions or what geometry will produce that result.

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For an electronics cooling situation, the inverse problem description might be that you have a targeted maximum temperature for the components and you need to determine what geometry will produce this for a given set of conditions, or alternatively, what are the maximum heat dissipations allowed for a given geometry.

This web seminar will demonstrate how both ways of posing the inverse electronics cooling problem can be automatically solved using simulation software. A method using the design exploration capabilities will address the variable geometry approach, while a method using field functions will be used to demonstrate the variable conditions situation.

These techniques will further equip the design engineer in using simulation to design better products, faster.

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