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Pointwise Used to Improve Existing Mesh Adaptation Solutions
Posted Mon September 25, 2017 @06:46PM
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Announcements In the webinar, Towards Mesh Adaptation with Pointwise, we will introduce adaptation in Pointwise and how this upcoming feature is used to improve upon existing mesh adaptation solutions. Join us for the webinar on 3 October at 10 a.m. CT (UTC -5)

Mesh adaptation is a common technique employed to help improve engineering simulation efficiency. In the field of computational fluid dynamics (CFD), unstructured mesh adaptation has been used to substantially reduce the mesh size needed to reach a desired solution accuracy.

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Mesh adaptation enables significant improvements in processing time, memory requirements, and storage needed.

Error estimates based on the flow solution can detect physical phenomena and give local target mesh lengths needed to capture their behavior. Meshes are then automatically adapted in critical regions without any a priori knowledge of the solution. However, without access to the underlying CAD data, adaptation is limited only to improving off-body grid resolution. Given that access to CAD is available directly within Pointwise, and added or moved grid points can be reprojected onto the underlying geometry during adaptation, which offers a unique advantage over most off-body mesh adaptation solutions.

Topics covered include:

  • Incorporating the benefits of mesh adaptation into your simulation workflows
  • Using Glyph scripting to import point cloud source objects
  • Applying mesh adaptation to better resolve critical regions of the flow over the ONERA M6 wing

For more information or to register, go to

Pointwise, Inc. is solving the top problem facing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) today – reliably generating high-fidelity meshes. The company's Pointwise software generates structured, unstructured, overset and hybrid meshes; interfaces with CFD solvers such as ANSYS FLUENT®, STAR-CCM+®, OpenFOAM®, and SU2 as well as many neutral formats, such as CGNS; runs on Windows, Linux, and Mac, and has a scripting language, Glyph, that can automate CFD meshing. Large manufacturing firms and research organizations worldwide have relied on Pointwise as their complete CFD preprocessing solution since 1994.

More information about Pointwise is available at

Pointwise is a registered trademark of Pointwise, Inc. in the USA and the EU. Pointwise Glyph, T-Rex and Let's Talk Meshing are trademarks of Pointwise, Inc. All other trademarks are property of their respective owner.

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