Various topics are on the list:
June 22 | Higher performance and longer life for turbomachinery through retrofitting optimization
Aging equipment represents a serious challenge for engineers, often requiring retrofitting of entire rows or overhauling of the entire assembly. Learn how CFD simulation can optimize this process, extending rotating machinery life and increasing performance.
June 23 | Boost your productivity with the latest version of Omnis
A new particle solver, surface-to-volume meshing and more than 100+ new capabilities to boost your productivity in the latest version of Omnis. Witness its power during this webinar with live demos, customer case examples and tips-and-tricks from the experts.
June 24 | Fast and reliable CFD simulation of a plate counterflow heat exchanger
Predicting performance of heat exchangers can be a challenging task. Learn how CFD offers in-depth and accurate analysis of all the flow details early in the design process.
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