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CFD Review FAQ
Stories are submitted by you, the reader, and are chosen based on their perceived interest level, timeliness, and relevance to the CFD industry. Once posted, each story becomes a forum where readers can comment on the story (or other comments). Comments are moderated by the editors in an effort to maintain an effective, cordial discussion.

To get started, create a user account, log in, and then contribute a story or reply to a story with your comments.

Logging in with a user account gives your posts a slightly better chance of appearing. This works on the theory that if a post is linked to your name, you will provide a better, more thought-out, comment. It also lets us give people who consistently provide insightful comments a louder voice (the opposite is also true).

You should read the excellent FAQ on Slashdot.

Learn about comment moderation here.

How do I get an account?
Accounts are available free of charge -- all you need is a working email address. Go here to create an account. Just enter a unique nickname and a valid email address. Your password will be mailed to you. We will not send you email unless you request it!

What are my responsibilities as a user?
Not much, other than to "be nice", but you should read the Terms of Service for the full details.

What about my privacy?
We take your privacy seriously and will never sell your information. Please read the Privacy Policy for more information.

Where do the stories come from?
From all over -- including from you! To submit your CFD news story, use the story submission form.

How do I comment on a story?
Each story posted on CFD Review automatically becomes a discussion forum. Users can post their comments on the story by hitting the "Post Comment" link.

How do I subscribe/unsubscribe to the email newsletter?
Once you have an account on CFD Review, you can subscribe to the email newsletter which mails the day's headlines to your inbox each night. To subscripe (or unsubscribe), log in and go to your Edit User Info page. From there, you can change the CFD Headlines Mailing List setting for your account. If you are having problems with your account settings, please send email to

Can I link to this site?
Links to the main page ( are preferred, but you can link to individual stories as well. To post a link along with the CFD Review logo, just include the HTML text below in your web page:
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Do you have an XML newsfeed?
Sure do, check out the headline feeds page.
How do story listings work?
           The story listings on the main page are actually just introduction points to further reading and/or discussion on the subject. Longer stories will have a body which is linked by the "Read Full Article" tag.

Also, each story is a discussion forum where you can read others comments and post your own. The "Post Comment" tag links to a form where you can post a comment on the story. The number of user comments associated with a story appear below the story listing.

Below is a typical story listing which has been annotated with descriptions of the various features.

story listing

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