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A Visit Inside CFX Engineering Software
Posted Mon August 26, 2002 @04:32PM
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CFD Review by Nick Wyman

On August 1st I visited CFX Engineering Software in Waterloo, Ontario Canada and was given previews of several upcoming software packages from this tier-1 CFD vendor.

The Waterloo office is home to CFX's software development teams for CFX-TASCflow, CFX-TurboGrid, CFX-Post and the largest portion of the CFX-5 team, in addition to a portion of the sales and support group for North America. There are approximately 60 employees in the office, half of whom are involved in software development.

My visit was hosted by Dr. Jeff Van Doormaal, product development manager for CFX-TurboGrid, CFX's grid generation software tool for turbomachinery applications.

Note: For your chance to ask CFX Engineering Software about CFD development, add your question to this discussion.

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CFD Speeds US Navy Aircraft Modifications
Posted Mon July 22, 2002 @04:14PM
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Application Warren H. Davis, Ph.D., Aero CFD Principal Engineer for Northrop Grumman, leads a team responding to continual updates, additions, and enhancements to the U.S. Navy electronics surveillance workhorse, the E-2C Hawkeye. The Hawkeye provided stellar success in Afghanistan missions earlier this year.

Dr. Davis is one of the people who answers the “will it fly right” question when confronted with next generation modifications. He helps assure that any modifications to aero/propulsion capabilities, airframe additions including antennas, and other changes maintain and enhance performance.

Dr. Davis and his team gauge adaptations on the computer, using two remarkable programs (among other tools): Gridgen and Overflow. Gridgen is Pointwise Inc.’s grid generation and pre-processing CFD enabling bridge connecting computer aided design (CAD) software and CFD solvers such as Overflow, Fluent, STAR-CD, and CFX. The program generates hexahedral, tetrahedral, and hybrid (prisms and pyramids) meshes, reads geometry from CAD systems, and includes meshing tools and direct solver interfaces. Overflow is a Navier-Stokes flow solver that uses single block grids or Chimera overset (structured) grid systems. Chimera overset grids are body-fitted hexahedral grids around each component. They can overlap each other instead of requiring exact point-to-point interface matching like traditional structured grids. This makes the engineer’s grid generation task faster and easier while maintaining accuracy.

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CFD Increases Reliability for Caterpillar
Posted Mon July 08, 2002 @10:23AM
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Application Hydraulics is playing an increasingly important role in the performance of heavy equipment and as such, the reliability and effectiveness of hydraulic systems is becoming paramount. Caterpillar was the first company to investigate and use hydraulic systems within the engines of its larger vehicles. Most recently, the company has been using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to make vital adjustments to some of its hydraulic systems.

Caterpillar aims to design and manufacture superior hydraulic components, supported by high quality system maintenance and service, and its vehicles are renowned for their performance and reliability. So when it became clear that there was a problem with some of its larger vehicles, Caterpillar pulled out all the stops to find a solution.

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CFX Reliable for Development of Hydraulic Machines
Posted Thu June 27, 2002 @04:54PM
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News by Andrej Lipej, Turboinstitut, Republic of Slovenia

For the past 50 years, Turboinstitut has been involved in the research and development of hydraulic machines. CFD has become an indispensable tool in our activities, and this is especially true for our turbine refurbishment projects, which are usually realized entirely with CFD. Using CFX-TASCflow, we can analyze the flow throughout the whole turbine, taking into account the stator-rotor-draft tube interaction and avoiding potentially inaccurate boundary conditions between components. However, compared to individual simulations for each part, such calculations require large models and long run times. Separate analysis is much faster, but it is essential to know when coupled analysis must be performed and what are the differences between separate and coupled analyses. At the Institute, by comparing results for coupled and separated calculations, we have found that the separate analysis usually overpredicts flow energy losses in all turbine parts and only coupled analysis is suitable for accurate prediction of turbine efficiency.

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Optimization of Marine Components Using CFD
Posted Fri May 24, 2002 @03:00PM
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Application The French engineering company Sirehna has been developing and promoting optimal design approaches, especially involving CFD, for a long time. Their current policy is to combine the advantages of the most efficient flow pre- and post-processoring tools (Gridgen and Fieldview) together with Frontier, an advanced tool for design space investigation and optimization, to form an automatic system for design optimization.

The FLUENT flow solver is used in the two following applications, however, the optimization process is independent from the choice of flow solver. Other applications have been developed using ICARE, a dedicated solver for free surface flows in viscous fluid around a ship hull.

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A Case for Application-Specific CFD Meshing
Posted Thu April 11, 2002 @11:32AM
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Grid Generation A main challenge facing CFD analysis today is the efficient computation of engineering data within the constraints of the design environment. Requirements of the design environment are fast turn-around time and software tools which match the designer's domain. To a large extent, CFD meshing restricts the adaption of CFD by design engineers due to the fact that it is the most labor-intensive task in the CFD process.

In order to extend the benefits of CFD to product engineers, CFD meshing must be enhanced through specialized meshing applications which automate the mesh generation process and replace CFD jargon with terminology familiar to designers. In this article I will describe application-specific CFD meshing and a method for creating such applications.

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