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Consulting Services
Fluid Mechanics
Grid Generation


Computational Gasdynamics Laney, "Computational Gasdynamics", A review of gasdynamics and computational techiniques. The book covers several basic algorithms including Lax-Friedrichs method, the Lax-Wendroff method, MacCormack's method, and Godunov's method.
Numerical Grid Generation Thompson, Warsi, Mastin, "Numerical Grid Generation". Published in 1985, the book provides a solid foundation of the numerical grid generation methods.
Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Shaw, "Using Computational Fluid Dynamics", 1992. An entry level text on the use of CFD, the book covers building a mesh, obtaining a solution, and analysing the results. Now available in electronic format for free from the author's website.

Consulting Services

ACRi A leading high technology company specialized in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software and consulting.
Advanced Design Technology Ltd. ADT Engineering Services team is composed of highly skilled turbomachinery design and analysis engineers ready to support and complement your design needs. Whether you need a complete study, from conception to final design for manufacturing, or are facing
Advantage CFD Reynard Motorsport's specialist CFD division focusing on motorsport and automotive applications.
Aero Concept Engineering ACE uses CAD, CFD and wind tunnel testing to resolve aerodynamic problems on race cars, passenger cars, and for the railway industry.
Air Flow Consulting A consulting company by Dr. Alois Schälin for air flow in the built environment (rooms, buildings and surroundings). It specializes in the following topics: General consulting for air flow and calculation methods, Measurement of air flow, etc.
Airflow Sciences Corporation Provides practical solutions to industrial customers in the areas of fluid flow, heat transfer, and mass transfer.
Alden Research Laboratory Founded in 1894, Alden is the oldest continuously operating hydraulic laboratory in the United States and one of the oldest in the world. Our Numeric Modeling Group combines a century-long history of solving flow problems using physical models with innov
ANALISIS-DSC ANALISIS-DSC Dynamic & Security Computations is a Spanish engineering services company specialized in CFD.
Analytical Services & Materials Specializes in custom built software for engineering and scientific applications.
blueCAPE We research, develop and apply Computer Aided Engineering methodologies and tools, with the ultimate goal of enabling our costumers to increase the added value of their products or services.
Cambridge Flow Solutions A network of CFD code developers with a well-developed core CFD capability covering the whole CFD process.
CERT Innovations Centre for Supercomputing The CERT Centre for Supercomputing provides access on demand to the first and only Blue Gene in the SAMENA (South Asia, Middle East and North Africa) region.
CFD Beratung CFD Beratung ist für Vertrieb und Anwendungsberatung des Gittergenerators Gridgen der Firma Pointwise, Inc. im deutschsprachigen Raum zuständig. Darüber hinaus werden Kundenprojekte auf dem Gebiet der numerischen Strömungsmechanik (CFD) durchgeführt.
CFD Consultants, GbR CFD software distribution and consulting services.
CFD Design & Engineering Ltd CFD Design & Engineering Ltd is a CFD consultancy company, offering industry leading CFD technology to clients around the world.
CFD Engineering CFD Engineering offers a variety of services throughout the entire field of fluid dynamics and computational fluid dynamics. The web site includes a gallery of CFD applications.
CFD Simulations Specialized Process Modeling for the Semiconductor Industry
CFD-Finland OY CFD-Finland is a private consulting company specialized in computational fluid dynamics applications.
CFDnetwork Engineering CFDnetwork Engineering is an engineering company mainly focused on CFD consulting and software development.
CFDRC Modular commercial software for advanced CFD, multiphysics and multi-disciplinary analyses, with in-depth technical support and guidance.
Coen Design and manufacture of combustion equipment and controls.
Dr. Heck Consulting and Engineering Provider of CFD and FEM services, specialized in Fluid-Structure Interactions (FSI)
e-CFD A first-of-its-kind on-demand engineering service for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) via the internet from Exa.
Flow Science Inc. Provide specialty consulting services for problems involving fluid motion and transport.
Fluid Flow Ltd A consultancy specialising in CFD for Water, Wastewater, Chemical Engineering and the Environment.
Fluid Physics International Consultancy firm specializing in the computational analysis of complex flowfields.
Fluidian French provider of CFD services and development of CFD solutions based on open-source software.
Icon For more than a decade, Icon has been delivering independent and confidential support and expertise in CFD and multimedia technologies.
Jimmy Lea Chartered Engineers ​We are an engineering & simulation consultants, founded in Sydney Australia, with offices in Sydney, Singapore and representative offices throughout the Asia Pacific region.
Labaqua At LABAQUA-INTERLAB several simulation programs are used for simulating atmospheric pollutant dispersion and the ventilation of buildings (industrial and non-industrial).
LBDR Ingénierie LBDR Ingénierie - Expertise en simulation numérique
Lea CFD Associates Limited Lea CFD Associates Ltd. provide consultancy and support in Computational Fluid Dynamics, specialising in health and safety applications.
Lilleaker Consulting AS Lilleaker Consulting AS provides CFD services in Norway and Scandinavia for Oil and Gas sector to Defense industry.
Mechartes Researchers Provider of high quality engineering services to industry and developer of niche products in the area of CAD, CAE, CFD & FEM.
METEODYN Meteodyn performs energy yield assessments for projects in challenging conditions such as complex terrain or forested areas thanks its experience in wind modeling with the CFD code Meteodyn WT.
Monachos Mechanical Engineering Design and construction of electromechanical Turn Key Projects.
Optiflow : Recherche et Ingenierie numérique en mé Provider of CFD services in France.
PTS Data Center Solutions for CFD Services PTS' expertise in CFD modeling is a valuable asset in the data center design process as it allows characteristics of the data center cooling profile to be known in advance.
QuickerSim Services QuickerSim helps industrial companies design their products quicker and cheaper with CFD analysis. Our engineering services include both standard CFD simulations and analysis as well as complex project tasks.
Reaction Engineering International A research, development and solutions consulting firm with an internationally recognized expertise in computational and experimental analysis of high temperature reacting flows.
Renuda Engineering Computation An independant CFD consultancy firm specialised in fluid mechanics, heat transfer and combustion in industrial applications.
Resolved Analytics Resolved Analytics a multifaceted product design and computational analysis company focused on helping our large enterprise customers overcome their most difficult CFD, FEA and Acoustic simulation challenges and helping our small and medium sized enterpri
Sage Physics &Engineering Sage Physics and Engineering provides world class consulting, training, and technology transfer. If your system involves fluids, we can model it or teach you to how to model it.
Sigma Technology International provider of the Optimization Software based on IOSO technology. Using CFD and structural software coupled with IOSO Optimizer we ensure service design & improvement of technical objects and systems in different Industries.
Structure, Inc. Provider of engineering research, analysis, and design services for the aerospace, marine, and defense industries. CFD Analysis tools include WIND, ANSYS, PMARC, AVL, VLM, and APAS. Structure also provides design and analysis services in related fields,
Technalysis, Inc. Technalysis specializes in solving complex fluid flow and heat transfer problems using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and other advanced CAE solutions.
Technodigit Service and software development for 3D cloud of point meshing.
Trampo Trampo has 9 years experience in HVAC, active facades and natural ventilation modelling. We are experts in conjugate heat transfer, internal and external aerodynamics, and automation. We can also help you set up an HPC cluster or get into CFD.
Upwind Technology Inc. SC-Tetra CFD software US distributor and full service CAE solutions provider.
Vector Consulting services, research and developement within computational fluid dynamics
Viable Computing Software development and engineering analysis services.


Aerospace Online A directory tailored to the aerospace industry professional. The internet resource for engineering professionals.
CFD Codes List CFD codes list originally compiled by Tomasz Plewa (, and is now being maintained by Wayne Christopher at ICEM CFD. The list has not been updated in nearly 2 years.
Chemical Engineering A directory for chemical engineers.
Chemical Online A directory tailored to the chemical industry professional.
eFluids One-stop Web information resource for anyone working in the areas of flow engineering, fluid mechanics research, education and directly related topics.
EngWare Energy Conversion Software, Slide Shows, Online Calculators, Textbooks, Educational and Consulting
ERCOFTAC QNET-CFD Wiki The world's foremost repository of structured knowledge and advice designed to underpin quality and trust in the industrial application of CFD.
Fluid Flow Links A collection of links on the subject of fluid flow at the University of Alberta.
Free and Low-Cost CFD Software This site contains links to free and low-cost CFD software, including CFD Recipes, the software associated with the book Computational Gasdynamics. Lots of good links as well. An on-line resource for fluid power professionals, academics, students and interested parties.
Internet Aerospace Links A directory of links for the aerospace community from CalTech.
NAFEMS An independent, not-for-profit, international membership association, for finite element methods, CFD, and Optimization.
NASA Tech Briefs Exclusive reports of innovations developed by NASA and its industry partners/contractors.
Oil and Gas Online A directory tailored to the oil and gas industry professional.
Paul Heckbert's Mesh Generation Links A collection of links on the topic of mesh generation.
Power Online A directory tailored to the power industry professional.
PSIgate PSIgate provides access to high quality Internet resources for students, researchers and practitioners in the physical sciences, specifically in: astronomy, chemistry, earth sciences, physics, and science history and policy.
QNET-CFD The QNET-CFD thematic network sets out to assemble, structure and collate existing knowledge encapsulating the performance of models underlying the current generation of CFD codes, and to make this information available in the form of knowledge base. A technology directory featuring CAD, CFD, FEA, engineering, reviews, etc.
the CADwire CADwire uses state-of-the-art computer technology to locate, track, organize, display, disseminate, and archive CAD information
Water Online An information resource for the Water and Wastewater Treatment industry.

Fluid Mechanics

Computer Simulations in Physics Site contains a lot of computer simulations. There you can find a lot of resources about: classical and quantum simulations, newton laws (2D,3D) in opengl. Windows.
Fluide Design Fluide Design offers services that are specialized in pump sizing and pump / piping system calculations as well as pump system problem solving and training.
Lid Driven Cavity Flow A scientific web page about the two-dimensional steady incompressible flow in a driven cavity.
LMNO Engineering LMNO Engineering. Fluid flow calculations: pressure pipes, channels, hydrology, ground water
Pump School An education in fluid handling

Grid Generation

Altair Engineering A premier developer of product engineering software for modeling, visualization, simulation, optimization, and process automation.
BETA CAE Systems BETA CAE Systems S.A. develops and distributes ANSA and METAPOST the multidisciplinary pre and post processing software, offering advanced and complete solutions for CFD among other CAE disciplines.
BOXERMesh BOXERMesh is an advanced, yet easy-to-use, highly CAD-tolerant, unstructured mesher that delivers quality multi-million cell meshes in minutes, on geometries of arbitrary complexity and size.
CentaurSoft Provides a complete grid generation package that can be used in all phases of computational engineering.
Harpoon extreme mesher Sharc is the developer of Harpoon, the Extreme Mesher and the UK/Ireland distributor for EnSight, the world’s leading visualisation package.
ICEM CFD Developers of several grid generation packages including HEXA and TETRA.
ISGG The International Society of Grid Generation.
Mesh Generation on the Web Provides information on mesh and grid generation: people working in the field, research groups, books and conferences. It is maintained by Robert Schneiders.
Meshing Research Corner A compilation of literature on the subject of unstructured meshing.
Pointwise, Inc. Developer of Gridgen, a general purpose grid generation software package.
Program Development Corporation General purpose CFD grid generation package GridPro.
TrueGrid TrueGrid is a general purpose mesh generation program with sophisticated relaxation and parameterization capabilities.


3Dlabs Committed to delivering the most comprehensive family of professional 3D graphics products in the industry.
AMD Innovative microprocessor, Flash memory and low-power processor solutions.
Dataram Compatible Memory Upgrades for IBM, HP, Dell, Sun, AMD Opteron, Intel, SGI.
HP Engineers, scientists, analysts, and designers find HP UNIX® workstations deliver the performance and capacity needed to handle their largest designs, analyses, simulations and verifications.
IBM Development and manufacture of the industry's most advanced information technologies, including computer systems, software, networking systems, storage devices and microelectronics.
Intel Leading microprocessor manufacturer.
SGI The world's leader in high-performance computing technology, dedicated to unleashing the power of human creativity.
StereoGraphics StereoGraphics Corp. - Stereo3D Displays for Stereoscopic 3D Visualization


CGNS The CFD General Notation System (CGNS) consists of a collection of conventions, and software implementing those conventions, for the storage and retrieval of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) data.
HDF5 Mesh API The HDF5 Mesh API (prototype) provides a standard higher-level API for storing and retrieving structured and unstructured "mesh" data typical of applications such as computational fluid dynamics, finite element analysis, and visualization.
MOAB, a Mesh-Oriented datABase MOAB, a Mesh-Oriented datABase, is a software component for creating, storing and accessing finite element mesh data.
OpenFlower OpenFlower is an open source CFD software (FLOW solvER, literally) written in C++. It is mainly devoted to the resolution of the turbulent unsteady incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.


AIAA Fluid Dynamics TC AIAA Fluid Dynamics Techical Committee
Center for Turbulence Research A research consortium for fundamental study of turbulent flows. It is jointly operated by Stanford University and NASA Ames Research Center.
CERFACS CERFACS, Centre Europeen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique, is one of the world's leading research institutes working on efficient algorithms for solving large-scale scientific problems.
Density functional theory in hydrodynamics Density functional theory in hydrodynamics of a multicomponent multiphase mixture.
ETH Zurich Institute for building technologies Air The Air & Climate group supports staff and students of architecture at the ETH with numerical calculations of airflow and indoor climate in buildings.
RuG - CFD home page RuG - CFD home page including a movie and picture gallery.
Scalable Linear Solvers Project The goal of the Scalable Linear Solvers project is to develop scalable algorithms and software for solving large, sparse linear systems of equations on parallel computers.
von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics The von Karman Institute is a non-profit international educational and scientific organisation, hosting three departments (aeronautics and aerospace, environmental and applied fluid dynamics, and turbomachinery).


Aero Nozzle Calculator AERO is primarly a compressible, ideal gas, nozzle calculator. Input a gas temperature and NPR and the program will calculate a nozzle area from a given mass flow, or vice versa.
ANSA ANSA is a powerful CFD pre-processor that integrates advanced geometry cleanup tools with high quality surface and volume meshing, as well as morphing of mesh and geometry in one environment. It interfaces with all major CFD and FEA solvers and formats.
Barracuda Barracuda® is a specialized, standalone CFD package made specifically for modeling particle-fluid flows with and without chemical reactions. It is commonly used for Fluidized Bed Reactors and other fluidized systems, such as FCC units and CFB combustors
Cart3D Cart3D is a high-fidelity inviscid analysis package for conceptual and preliminary aerodynamic design developed at NASA Ames and the Courant Institute at NYU.
CFturbo CFturbo - Design Software for Centrifugal Pumps
COSMOSFloWorks Fully embedded inside of SolidWorks, COSMOSFloWorks is perfect for the engineer who needs flow analysis, but is not necessarily an expert in the field of fluid simulation.
EasyCFD EasyCFD is an educational software tool to simulate two-dimensional fluid flow and heat transfer. EasyCFD is based in a user-friendly graphical interface and can handle laminar and turbulent flow, isothermal or non-isothermal, steady-state and transient s
Flownex A dynamic systems CFD simulation code that enables users to perform detailed analysis and design of complex thermal-fluid systems ranging from pipe networks to complete power plants.
FluSol FluSol is a special package for rocket and missile designers. It consists a rocket/missile mesh generator and a finite element explicit solver for Euler and Navier Stokes equations.
MAC Incompressible Fluid solver Info about the MAC Incompressible Fluid solver, contains examples, technical info and how to get source code.
Meteodyn WT Meteodyn WT is CFD software for wind resource assessment in complex terrain.
OVERFLOW OVERFLOW is a Navier-Stokes flow solver for structured grids.
Palabos Palabos is a C++ solver based on the lattice Boltzmann method. It covers a large range of applications and specializes on multi-phase flow, flow through porous media, and complex flow with chemical reactions.
PumpLinx PumpLinx is a customized 3-D simulation/design tool for pumps, flowmeters, mixing tanks, and other fluidic machinery with rotating/sliding components. PumpLinx includes the capability to model cavitation and has templates for a variety of pump types.
QuickerSim CFD Toolbox QuickerSim CFD Toolbox is a powerful application for performing fluid flow and heat transfer simulations in MATLAB ® making CFD analysis more accessible than ever. Our Toolbox provides a selection of solvers and data processing tools, which are compatible
Reaction Design - FORTÉ FORTÉ is a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) package that incorporates ground-breaking technology to enable multi-component surrogate fuel models to work with comprehensive spray fluid dynamics.
Sculptor Interactive design software program providing capabilities to perform arbitrary shape deformation in real time and automatic shape optimization for CFD design.
SimScale SimScale is a completely cloud-based simulation software that enables you to test, validate, and optimize your designs through Computational Fluid Dynamics via a standard web browser.
TurboDesign Suite TURBOdesign Suite is a unique aerodynamic and hydrodynamic 3D design package for all types of turbomachinery blades such as pumps, compressors, fans, turbines and torque converters.
WindStation CFD software for the numerical simulation of wind flow over complex topography.


ACRi A leading high technology company specialized in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software and consulting.
Adaptive Research Developer of an integrated CFD software suite which has advanced analysis capabilities such as; finite-rate chemistry, multi-phase flows, radiation, moving body treatment, and CAD data import.
Advanced Design Technology Ltd. ADT provides fluid dynamic design software and services, based on our unique 3D Inverse Design Technology. We have been around for 19 years, combining substantial (and sustained) R&D activity with a global client base which includes top tier OEMs.
AeroSoft AeroSoft develops and markets state-of-the-art, computational fluid dynamics analysis and design software.
Analytical Methods, Inc. Supplier of a wide range of CFD products for aerospace, marine, and transportation industries.
Analytical Services & Materials Specializes in custom built software for engineering and scientific applications. The Unified Process Management System (UPMS) provides a valuable tool for the use of NASA's CFD codes.
ANSYS CFX Complete suite of structured and unstructured CFD software products. CFD development and analysis services.
AVL The world's largest privately owned and independent company for the development of powertrain systems with internal combustion engines. AVL developes the CFD simulation packages Fame, Fire, and Swift.
Azore Software, LLC Azore Software, LLC develops, supports and distributes "Azore" a general purpose CFD software suite providing a modern point and click user interface and a numerical kernel based on standard control volume techniques for arbitrary polyhedral mesh topo
Cambridge Flow Solutions Cambridge Flow Solutions Ltd (CFS) develops advanced simulation software and customised solutions for complex CFD applications.
CFD Canada CFD Research, Consulting, Training and Software Distribution Services for Industry and Academia
CFD Society of Canada Articles pertaining to CFD in Canada.
CFdesign - BRNI Blue Ridge Numerics, Inc. is a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software company that accelerates and improves product development.
CFDpc CFD analysis on your PC.
CFX Berlin CFX Berlin - CFD Software und Dienstleistungen
Convergent Science, Inc. Developers of the CONVERGE CFD software package that is revolutionizing how fluid dynamics modeling is being used by engineers, researchers and designers.
Coolit The Coolit CFD thermal analysis software for electronics from Daat Research Corp.
CPFD Software CPFD Software, LLC is the publisher of Barracuda®, a specialized CFD package designed for particle-gas or particle-fluid systems of all kinds, and serves the chemical manufacturing, oil & gas production & refining, coal-fired power, and pharmaceutical ind
D&F Cotec Founded in 2012, D&F COTEC is a rapidly expanding company specializing in three business areas: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation technology and software development, High Performance Computing (HPC) systems, and desktop virtualization solutio
Desktop Engineering A leading engineering software solutions provider and strategic business partner of MSC Software.
ESI Group ESI Group offers a suite of multiphysics and multidisciplinary simulation products for a wide range of industries. ESI Group has in-depth expertise in performing consulting and research and development projects in the field of biomedical, aerospace, autom
Exa Develops and markets PowerFLOW, a fluid flow simulation software for engineers to analyze complex fluid flow problems.
Extendsive Solutions Extendsive Solutions sells and supports the XFlow CFD package in North America.
Flow Science Software - Flow-3D FLOW-3D is a general purpose CFD software package capable of simulating a wide variety of fluid flows. While our specialty is the simulation of free surface flows, the package is also excellent for simulating external flows and confined flows.
Flow Solutions Ltd Flow Solutions Ltd provide software and consultancy services in the field of aerodynamic and hydrodynamic design. Development of Newpan, an advanced 3D panel method
FLOWMASTER FLOWMASTER2 is a widely used 1-D network fluid flow solver that allows engineers to analyse a comprehensive range of engineering problems.
Fluent General-purpose CFD software for a wide range of industrial applications, along with highly-automated, application-focused packages. CFD consulting services are also available worldwide.
GDT Software Group CFD software, Visualization software, Numerical simulation of gas-dynamics processes
Hanley Innovations Hanley Innovations is the leading provider of easy-to-use PC based aerodynamics and CFD software for analyzing & designing wings, hydrofoils, keels & other aerodynamic surfaces.
ICCM, GmbH Multi-purpose CCM-Software for the solution of continuum mechanics problems (both fluid and solid mechanics).
icepak Electronics Cooling and Thermal Design Software. Icepak incorporates the leading technology for computer-based analysis of fluid flow and heat transfer.
M-Tech Industrial Developers of the dynamic systems CFD code Flownex. Also provide consultation services in the fields of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics as well as the design of thermal-fluid systems.
MAYA MAYA is the leader in expert integrated thermal and fluid flow simulation in the electronics, aerospace, automotive and manufacturing industries.
Mentor Graphics Mechanical Analysis The Mechanical Analysis Division of Mentor Graphics (formerly Flomerics) provides the world's most advanced computational fluid dynamics products. Our simulation software and consultancy services eliminate mistakes, reduce costs, and accelerate and optimi
Metacomp Technologies Metacomp Technologies developes the CFD code CFD++.
Newmerical NTI offers unique advanced software and engineering services in two specific areas. The company is a world leader for the design of anti-icing systems and for the certification of aircraft, helicopter and all-weather UAVs flying in icing conditions.
Numeca CFD software for aerospace, turbomachinery and design.
Optimal Solutions Interactive design software program for shape deformation and CFD shape optimization.
Performance Fluid Dynamics Performance Fluid Dynamics provides powerful reactor modeling software for engineers and chemists together with consulting and support services for chemical process improvement.
PHOENICS Computational Fluid Dynamics software from CHAM.
Polyflow Leader in the field of simulating complex industrial flows where viscous and viscoelastic flows a play major role.
Reaction Design A leading developer of combustion simulation software that accurately simulates chemical reactions and byproducts to allow for clean engine design - from passenger cars to gas turbines and furnaces to room-sized ship engines.
Siemens PLM Software One of the world's major developers of software for industrial CFD analysis.
Simerics Simerics is a CFD software / consulting company who provides a general purpose CFD package, Simerics, and the special purpose software simulation tool, PumpLinx, developed specifically for pump design (axial, centrifugal, gerotor, piston, and vane.)
Simulog Offers several software products for numerical analysis.
SoftPredict A leading developer and provider of combustion-related CFD software such as COSILAB, COSILAB_lib, RUN1DL and HOMO.
Software Cradle Offers a wide range of CFD services and products. Code development, Customer support, and Engineering training.
Streamlined Flow Solutions Streamlined Flow Solutions provide cost effective solutions for fluid flow problems. UK representative for XFlow CFD software.
Symscape Caedium, developed by Symscape, is an affordable, easy-to-use Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) software system for concept design analysis. The Caedium RANS Flow add-on uses state-of-the-art CFD to simulate turbulent flow with heat transfer.
Technalysis, Inc. Technalysis develops the Passage® Software, a collection of 3D and 1D finite element  software programs solving complex flow, heat transfer and other related  problems.
Tetra Research Specializes in the conception, development, and application of CFD codes for a wide variety of engineering disciplines.
Thaerocomp Technical Corporation Developers of AEROFLO multi-disciplinary CFD software for problems that require high-fidelity solutions, such as aeroacoustics, combustion, and aeroelasticity.
Trampo Trampo provides simple cloud computing to STAR-CCM+® users. Star-CCM+ is a registered trade mark of CD-adapco.
TRANSOFT International fluidyn (TRANSOFT INTERNATIONAL) is a leading Engineering Software Development Company working in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Heat Transfer, Structural Mechanics, Environment and Safety.
VorCat The unique, patented VorCat technology brings the superior accuracy of vortex methods into the realm of practical computational limits.
Zeus Numerix Zeus Numerix offers CGNS compatible pre and postprocessors with multi-physics flow solvers. Services range from development of new CFD software including source code delivery, Design and Optimization of customer products, to routine CFD analysis.


Advanced Visual Systems Industry leader in data visualization software and solutions
Avizo Wind Avizo Wind is a high-end extensible software for advanced post-processing of simulation data, ranging from flow to thermal, and stress data.
CEI Software Development and support of software for analyzing, visualizing and communicating computer-aided engineering results and scientific data.
Intelligent Light Standalone CFD post processor Fieldview
LCSE Visualization Movies Some amazingly detailed movies of convective motions at the Laboratory for Computational Science and Engineering.
MayaVi Data Visualizer MayaVi is a free, easy to use scientific data visualizer.
Tecplot Plotting software with extensive 2D and 3D capabilities for visualizing data from analyses, simulations and experiments.
TGS TGS is a leading vendor of interactive graphics software and provides a broad range of 2D & 3D graphics software tools, utilities and applications for UNIX® and PC systems.
VRCO A Virtual Reality software and consulting company.

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