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Site Sponsorship

Advertise on CFD Review

Promote your business on CFD Review, a web site targeted towards people who purchase CFD software, hardware, and services. By placing your company's brand and message on CFD Review you gain exposure to a wide range of CFD enthusiasts.

CFD Review is a growing community of people interested in CFD. Since the site was launched in April 2001, visitor traffic has increased substantially and most visitors return again and again.

visitor growth
CFD Review Visitor Growth and Retention.

click-through growth
CFD Review Sponsor Image Click-Throughs.

Sponsorship Opportunities

There are currently three methods to promote your company on CFD Review - through site sponsorship, article sponsorship, and newsletter sponsorship.

Site Sponsor

Become a site sponsor on CFD Review and have visitors associate your brand with CFD Review. Site sponsors are featured prominently on every page of CFD Review with a banner image linked to a URL.

Site sponsorships run for one week at a time and there is a limit of three concurrent site sponsors. Your banner will be shown on every page viewed during the week (ie. no rotating banners).

Site sponsors receive access to a detailed report, generated nightly, outlining the number of impressions (banner views) and click-throughs including web demographics (visitor's web domain, etc).

Sponsors should provide two images in GIF or JPEG format. One image for the main site with a size of 120 x 150 pixels and another image for the pda (mobile) edition with a size of 150 x 20 pixels. Animated GIF images of a reasonable size are allowed for the main site image only. Sponsors should also provide one URL for the image to link to, and text for the "alt" tag. When a visitor clicks on your image, your URL will open in the browser window. Please note that the main site sponsor images have a 2 pixel white border around the image which might affect your design. See the current sponsor images as an example. A new sponsor image can be used every month.

Article Sponsor

Place your advertisement on CFD Review article pages between the introduction and main body of the article. The article sponsor images are not viewable on the CFD Review home page, however, this is a good way to promote your company to an already engaged CFD enthusiast.

Article sponsors are featured prominently on every CFD Review article page (accessed via the "Read Full Article" link on the home page) with a banner image linked to a URL.

Article sponsorships run for one week at a time and there is a limit of three concurrent article sponsors. Your banner will be shown on every article page viewed during the week (ie. no rotating banners).

Article sponsors receive access to a detailed report, generated nightly, outlining the number of impressions (banner views) and click-throughs including web demographics (visitor's web domain, etc).

Sponsors should provide an image in GIF or JPEG format with a size of 360 x 60 pixels. Animated GIF images of a reasonable size are allowed. Sponsors should also provide one URL for the image to link to, and text for the "alt" tag. When a visitor clicks on your image, your URL will open in the browser window. For long-running ads, a new sponsor image can be used every month.

Newsletter Sponsor

Several times a week, CFD Review sends out an email newsletter containing CFD news headlines. Place your company's message in the newsletter and reach a highly targeted audience eager to learn about CFD. Newsletter sponsors are featured prominently in the email body.

The newsletter goes out as both plain text and as HTML encoded email. Recipients who's email reader can display HTML email will see a page like this. Recipients who's email reader is unable to display HTML email will see a message like this.

As a newsletter sponsor you can include both a 120 x 150 pixel image like the site sponsor mentioned above and a custom 3 line text message (65 characters per line) and one URL.

Newsletter sponsorships run for a minimum of four weeks at a time and there is a limit of three concurrent newsletter sponsors. Your message will be included in every newsletter published during the sponsorship term.


Site Sponsor

Pricing for site sponsorship is $100US per week. A maximum of three concurrent site sponsorships are accepted for a given week. Placement of the site sponsor banners will correspond to the order in which site sponsorship orders are received. It is possible to buy all three site sponsorship positions for a given week and thereby have your banner shown alone.

Article Sponsor

Pricing for article sponsorship is $70US per week. A maximum of three concurrent article sponsorships are accepted for a given week. Placement of the article sponsor banners will correspond to the order in which orders are received. It is possible to buy all three article sponsorship positions for a given week and thereby have your banner shown alone.

Newsletter Sponsor

Pricing for newsletter sponsorship is $50US per week with a four week minimum placement. A maximum of three concurrent newsletter sponsorships are accepted. Placement of the newsletter sponsor messages will correspond to the order in which newsletter sponsorship orders are received. It is possible to buy all three newsletter sponsorship positions for a given date and thereby have your message shown alone.

How to Get Started

Once we have your promotional collateral, your ad will run within 1 day. Email us at to get started today.

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