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CFdesign v6.0 Debuts at SolidWorks World
Posted Wed January 15, 2003 @10:36AM
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News Blue Ridge Numerics Inc. has announced that it will be introducing CFdesign v6.0 for SolidWorksTM at this year’s SolidWorks World Conference, Januray 19 – 22, near Orlando, FL. CFdesign v6.0 is a leading multi-purpose CFD fluid flow and electronics cooling simulation software developed specifically for mechanical engineers working within SolidWorks and other leading MCAD systems.

CFdesign v6.0 focuses on rapid product optimization with new capabilities to enable mainstream product development engineers working on tight deadlines. The speed in which CFdesign v6.0 uses highly complex SolidWorks assemblies to analyze and qualitatively compare design variations is what sets CFdesign apart from traditional CFD applications. On average, implementing CFdesign can reduce the time it takes to develop, test, and prove a new product design by 70% while reducing the costs associated with staff time and materials by 65%.

Changes made to a component or assembly within SolidWorks are automatically reflected in CFdesign v6.0, eliminating the time-consuming task of creating and managing multiple geometry models during a project lifecycle. With CFdesign v6.0 there is always only one model and it is updated and managed within SolidWorks.

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When SolidWorks users launch CFdesign directly within the SolidWorks interface, the component or assembly will automatically appear inside CFdesign where comprehensive CFD fluid flow and electronics cooling simulations can reveal product performance concerns and identify areas for product optimization.

Industries currently using CFdesign include aerospace, automotive, electronics, household products, HVAC systems, industrial flow control and valves, medical, processing (food, chemical and materials), and power generation.

Receive a Free Demo CD at Booth #503

Visitors to SolidWorks World can see a demonstration of CFdesign and receive a free CFdesign v6.0 demonstration CD at booth 503.

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