OmegaChart converts a FORTRAN source code (f77 & f90, fixed or free form)
to their FlowChart equivalence. The generated flowchart is then transmitted as an Excel file.
OmegaChart 2.0 is useful for untangling the behind-the-scenes programming logic in a messy spaghetti code and therefore generate visual documentation of the execution route. While other analysis tools only provide "assembly level" info such as calling trees or variables attributes, OmegaChart provides detailed "module level" logic such as loops, if-elseif-endif constructs and select-case constructs.
With OmegaChart, you can effortlessly minimize the use of GOTO's and therefore "modernize" your code.
Whether you are a programmer, a program analyst or a software maintainance personnel, OmegaChart is a "MUST HAVE" tool to ease your life. It can relieve you of hundreds or even thousands hours of headache.
Version 2.0 of OmegaChart adds support for the FORTRAN-90 language standard.