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Pointwise Releases Next Generation Mesher
Posted Mon October 08, 2007 @12:26PM
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Grid Generation After more than 4 calendar years and over 25,000 person hours of development time, Pointwise, Inc. today released its next generation meshing software, named Pointwise.

Pointwise cuts the time to generate high-quality CFD meshes through its flat, intuitive graphical interface that gives rapid access to the powerful meshing techniques Pointwise, Inc. engineers have developed over the last 23 years. In addition, it provides shortcuts through the meshing process like a new automated assembly procedure that builds three-dimensional volume grids from a jumble of grid components with a simple click of a button. Pointwise's usability is further enhanced by a multiple-level undo and redo capability with a user configurable number of levels.

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"Our design goal was to streamline the user's grid generation experience and to build a new code foundation on which to more rapidly implement new features in response to our customer's changing needs" said Chris Fouts, chief architect of the new software. "With the new, intuitive interface, users can already generate their desired grids much easier and faster, and we are looking forward to a rapid pace of future developments as well."

"Work on our Gridgen meshing software began in 1984" said Dr. John Steinbrenner, Pointwise's Vice-President of Research & Development. "Gridgen represented a huge jump in meshing capability at the time because of its graphical user interface. Pointwise offers another huge time-saving jump by following the same philosophy we had back in the beginning: Automate everything you can, but always give users enough control to finish their job when the automation can't."

Besides simplifying the meshing process, Pointwise also introduces unified geometric curve and grid curve drawing, simultaneous transformation of CAD geometry and grid, improved CGNS support including import, and the ability to access up to 16 Exabytes of memory with its 64-bit architecture.

Pointwise GUI
Pointwise features a new interface and interaction model in addition to new meshing tools.

About Pointwise
Pointwise is solving the top problem facing engineering analysts today: mesh generation for computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Pointwise, Inc.'s Gridgen and Pointwise software generate structured, unstructured, and hybrid meshes; interface with CFD solvers such as FLUENT, STAR-CD, and ANSYS CFX as well as many neutral formats such as CGNS; run on Windows (Intel and AMD), Linux (Intel and AMD), Mac, and Unix; and have scripting languages that can automate CFD meshing. Large manufacturing firms and research organizations worldwide rely on Pointwise for their complete CFD preprocessing solution. More information about Pointwise and Gridgen are available on Pointwise's web site,

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