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Intelligent Light Delivers FieldView Version 12
Posted Tue October 16, 2007 @10:40AM
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News With support for structural analysis (CAE) simulation data and new data readers, the benefits of FieldView are now available to many more engineering analysts. Support for the growing use of arbitrary polyhedral elements, one-click animation of multiple transient datasets, and improved performance will benefit customers in all industries.

The technology, reliability, and ease of use of FieldView are among the reasons that the top automotive company in Japan and the top aerospace company in the world have standardized on FieldView for their CFD post-processing. Leading engineering organizations are growing and improving their capabilities at a tremendous rate often putting distance between them and their competitors.

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Introducing FieldView Version 12
New capabilities of FieldView Version 12 include:
  • Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) and crash simulation post-processing
  • Substantial additions to 2-D plotting capability for quantitative evaluation
  • Large data capabilities are further enhanced with the addition of:
    • Performance tuned, native Win64 support with batch mode
    • Faster read-in times for Parallel FV-UNS data reads
    • Improved graphics performance and large data capacity with existing system memory
  • Arbitrary Polyhedral Element support
  • New data readers help more users bring data directly to FieldView
  • One-click animation for multiple surface sweeps, multiple transient cases
  • Automation and customization with FVX scripting offers improved control of analysis and output

Performance improvements from advanced memory management are changing the game for many customers. The new Smart LInked Memory, or SLIM, increases the data capacity on all systems. One Formula 1 racing customer can now view entire vehicle models on Windows systems that previously had to be explored in subsystems. For Windows users, the native and optimized Windows 64 server requires no compatibility or emulation tools and delivers outstanding performance.

“Much more than a performance release, FIELDVIEW Version 12 brings support for best-in-class technologies such as the use of arbitrary polyhedral elements. We've worked closely with our partners at Ansys and CD-adapco to handle these elements in their native form to ensure accuracy and the faithful representation of the data,” explains FieldView product manager Matthew Godo, Ph.D.

FieldView now supports post-processing of structural analysis data. With FieldView Version 12, LS-DYNA simulation data can be easily read into and post-processed bringing powerful analysis, animation, and large data capabilities to this community. This is an ideal joint solution for Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) simulations. The structural analysis support will expand as additional data readers are made available as plug-ins to the initial release.

Dr. Godo added, "We’ve added the ability to read FSI and crash simulation data from LS-DYNA and we are proud to deliver the results of our collaboration with LSTC to our customers."

"Many LS-DYNA customer organizations are already FieldView users for CFD. LSTC engineers have worked closely with Intelligent Light to support the development of CAE post-processing capabilities for LS-DYNA data within FieldView. We welcome FieldView as a tool to increase productivity and enhance both the interrogation of and presentation of simulation results," said Wayne L. Mindle, Ph. D., technical sales engineer at Livermore Software Technology Corporation (LSTC). "Customers with large simulations will benefit from the rich heritage and capabilities for handling large, transient data that have been a part of FieldView for many years."

Users in all industries will benefit from the simplicity of the new one-click animation capability. It is now simple to create animations of simulation results with the click of a single button. The linking of surfaces and datasets allows this to be done for multiple transient datasets as required for FSI and other multi-physics applications.

"It is exciting to simultaneously extend the capabilities of FIELDVIEW while bringing its culture, reliability, and well known ease of use to new analyst communities,” Dr. Godo concludes. “Our commitment to user productivity is reflected in this release with new automation functions in FieldView FVX and the ability to capture available hardware resources for optimal performance and multitasking."

Many analysts have used FieldView over the years and have moved into other roles where FieldView is not available to them. The tremendous changes to FieldView capabilities are causing analysts and managers to consider FieldView again. When they do, they find the same simple, efficient, reliable environment they appreciate and are familiar with along with new functionality including the ability to handle their FSI and CAE data, different solvers, arbitrary polyhedral elements, and 2-D plotting needs. FieldView has become the most comprehensive post-processing and visualization tool on the market today.

About Intelligent Light
Intelligent Light, located in Rutherford, New Jersey, was founded in 1984 with a mission to provide the scientific and engineering community with the best possible tools for understanding data and communicating results. The company provides CFD post-processing and big data visualization capability, under the industry leading FieldView brand, to thousands of HPC users in the aerospace, automotive and general manufacturing industries. Their unique development team is composed of CFD leaders, computer scientists, and visualization experts focused on listening to clients and delivering products that meet their needs.

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