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Introducing STAR-CCM+ v6.02
Posted Wed March 09, 2011 @09:19AM
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News CD-adapco is pleased to announce the release of STAR-CCM+ v6.02, the latest version of its flagship multiphysics engineering simulation tool.

STAR-CCM+ v6.02 perfectly illustrates CD-adapco’s purpose: to help customers succeed through the application of engineering simulation: driving innovation in its products AND reducing the time and cost associated with bringing those products to market.

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The latest version of STAR-CCM+ v6.02 is specifically designed to increase our customers’ innovation through the addition of new simulation technologies, expanding its use into new applications, while increasing productivity through improving existing simulation processes.

STAR-CCM+ v6.02 looks certain to overtake STAR-CCM+ v5.06 as the most downloaded release in the CD-adapco’s 30 year history, playing a pivotal role in the continual growth of CD-adapco’s presence in the CAE market. The secret of STAR-CCM+’s success is simple, says Jean Claude Ercolanelli, Senior Vice President Product Management: “We maintain a constant dialogue with our customers, carefully observing new trends and challenges. Each new release of STAR-CCM+ is a balance between fulfilling the requests of our customers, and the introduction of new technology that expands the use of the software into new industrial applications, such as battery design, and electro-deposition painting.”

“In its most fundamental form, success works on a personal level, ensuring that individual engineers are able to deliver meaningful simulation results on time and in a manner which can be used to influence the engineering design process,” continues Ercolanelli. “By listening to our users, we are uniquely placed to understand the challenges they face. We understand the importance of continually improving our software products to make them increasingly accurate, efficient and easy to use.”

Available for download now, STAR-CCM+ v6.02 will be officially launched at the STAR European Conference 2011, which will include orientation training; new feature demonstrations; the STAR-CCM+ Dedicated Support Engineers area, allowing attendees to explore product features; and a STAR-CCM+ Labs corner where future developments will be showcased.

Battery Simulation Module
A specific battery module, allows the simulation of flow, thermal and electrochemistry phenomena for Li-Ion battery cells and packs, providing the user with all the multi-physics capability required to simulate battery behavior in a single environment. The new module includes user defined discretization controls for thermal and electrochemical network within a cell and automated problem definition to quickly create battery packs from defined cells.

The new Electro-deposition coating (e-coating) model simulates the deposition of paint under the influence of an electric field when a charged product is dipped into a bath of paint. With user defined paint properties, analysts can examine the efficiency of a painting process by predicting exactly how the layers of paint accumulate over time.

Potential application areas:
Initially requested by Automotive OEMs, the model implemented in STAR-CCM+ v6.02 is indeed equally applicable to all electro-deposition coating processes.

Motion Superposition
Motion Superposition allows users to prescribe more complex body motion within a simulation and combine multiple rigid body motions or rigid body motions with mesh morphing.

Potential application areas:

  • Aerospace – rotorcrafts, helicopter blades
  • Marine – bow thrusters
  • Consumer goods – fans

DEM and Lagrangian
Now supports full moving mesh and phase selective boundaries.

As simulation increasingly occupies its rightful place as a mainstream engineering design tool, pertinently conveying simulation data remains one of the biggest challenges facing engineering analysts. Recognizing this, STAR-CCM+ v6.02 includes a wealth of new post–processing functionality:

  • Histogram graph types used for statistical analysis (appropriate for Lagrangian analysis, cell quality visualization, etc)
  • Start and end markers for streamlines, Iso-line values, Log color scales, uniformity index reports.

New STAR-CCM+ Plug-in for Isight
Isight is a process flow and optimization code from SIMULIA, a Dassault Systčmes brand (, that can be used to drive a variety of different CAE tools. This new CD-adapco developed plugin allows control of STAR-CCM+ within an optimization problem with full access to field functions and design parameters.

Try it out today!
For complete information on all new features in STAR-CCM+ v6.02 or to download it today please visit CD-adapco’s user services site or contact your local office.

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