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Tecplot RS 2012 Released
Posted Mon May 14, 2012 @01:52PM
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News Tecplot, Inc. announced Tecplot RS 2012, the latest version of its reservoir simulation visualization software.

With 2D and 3D grid plot comparison capability, this new version allows users to compare up to four different grid solutions in side-by-side views.

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“Customer input is the driving force behind these new features in Tecplot RS,“ said Don Roberts, vice president and co-founder of Tecplot, Inc., and product manager for Tecplot RS. “This release adds capability to interactively compare up to four different grid solutions, side-by-side, synchronized in time and space, to allow simultaneous animations. Adding this capability will improve confidence in engineering models.”

Enhancements to this latest version of Tecplot RS, reservoir simulation visualization and analysis tool for oil and gas reservoir modeling include:

Grid Solutions Comparison Feature. A new capability for 2D and 3D grid plots lets you interactively compare up to four different grid solutions in a side-by-side view. The solutions are synchronized in time and space to allow simultaneous animations. The grids are not required to be identical. The solutions may come from different reservoir simulators. A "Delta" option lets you display the difference between the reference solution and the comparison solutions.

Faster Loading of CMG Data. Enhancements to data loaders for CMG simulator output files have resulted in significant speed improvements.

New CMG Loader Option for Derived Variables. A new option is available for the CMG data loader to provide derived variables including ratios such as Gas-Oil Ratio.

Platforms and pricing
Tecplot RS 2012 supports Windows 7, Vista, and XP (32- and 64-bit), and Linux (64-bit) platforms. Pricing starts at $6,600 in the U.S. for a single-user perpetual license. Tecplot RS users with current SMS agreements can upgrade to the 2012 version at no cost. Special pricing is available for qualified academic users and consultants upon request. New users can download a full-featured version for free.

About Tecplot, Inc.
Founded in 1981 and based in Bellevue, Wash., Tecplot, Inc. empowers engineers and scientists to discover, analyze, and understand information in complex data, and to effectively communicate the results to others. The company launched Tecplot, its first software product for the scientific visualization market, in 1988. Last year, Tecplot introduced Tecplot Chorus, software for simulation analytics and data management. With thousands of users worldwide, Tecplot, Inc. has become a trusted name in data visualization and analysis.

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