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OpenFOAM Foundation Releases OpenFOAM 2.1.1
Posted Thu June 07, 2012 @04:43PM
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News The OpenFOAM Foundation are pleased to announce the release of version 2.1.1 of the OpenFOAM open source CFD toolbox.

Version 2.1.1 consolidates the major version 2.1.0 release through a large number of bug fixes and code improvements, included in over 200 code commits and 700 file changes.

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Version 2.1.1 is distributed as:

Version 2.1.1 contains the following new developments. See the version 2.1.0 release announcement for information about the new features in the 2.1 series of OpenFOAM software.

Multiphase flows
Boundedness and consistency in the MULES algorithm has been improved for multiphase flows, together with virtual-mass force discretization. The multiphaseEulerFoam solver now supports multiple-reference frame (MRF) simulations and includes new damBreak4phaseFine and mixerVessel2D example cases.

Mesh motion
Version 2.1.1 supports multiple moving regions, e.g. multiple rotating zones using the multiSolidBodyMotionFvMesh class of dynamicFvMesh. Users can prescribe time and space varying boundary motion data to dynamic mesh simulations through a new timeVaryingMappedFixedValue boundary condition (BC) for a pointPatchField; boundary motion functions can be alternatively prescribed through the new codedFixedValuePointPatchField BC.

Mesh tools
The extrudeToRegionMesh utility can now operate in parallel; decomposePar can now be applied to single or multiple time ranges; createPatch can now take an alternative, user-named dictionary; and, mergeMeshes now has an -overwrite option. Utilities that can now operate on multi-region cases include subsetMesh, patchAverage and patchIntegrate.

Turbulence modelling
A new nuAtmRoughWallFunction wall function model, specialised for atmospheric velocity profiles has been added in 2.1.1. Particle turbulent dispersion has been included in the icoUncoupledKinematicParcelFoam solver. Finally, a new example case for the k-kl omega turbulence model has been included, see $FOAM_TUTORIALS/incompressible/pimpleFoam/elipsekkLOmega.

The fieldValues function object has been extended to include: ensemble field averaging (average); area-weighted field averaging and integration in a user-defined direction (areaNormalAverage, areaNormalIntegrate); operation on a user-defined surface (sampledSurface) instead of mesh faces. The Mach, Pe, wallHeatFlux and yPlusRAS utilities have been extended to use any basicThermo thermodynamics packages.

Run-time selectable sources
Run-time selectable sources are available for additional solvers: pimpleFoam; pimpleDyMFoam; SRFPimpleFoam; potentialFoam; coalChemistryFoam; LTSReactingParcelFoam; porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam.

Other developments include: better under-relaxation for non-coupled boundaries; engine time is now available in lagrangian/intermediate library; a new isobaricPerfectGas equation of state is available for incompressible, variable-density flow.

OpenFOAM v2.1.1 was produced through major code contributions from the OpenFOAM Team at SGI/OpenCFD — Henry Weller, Mattijs Janssens, Chris Greenshields, Andy Heather, Sergio Ferraris, Gijs Wierink, Laurence McGlashan and Jenya Collings. Thanks to the OpenFOAM enthusiasts who have contributed to a better code through the bug reporting system.

To download OpenFOAM 2.1.1, click here.

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